July 16 - 19, 2015

Seventh Annual Memoir Writing Workshop
“Turning Memory into Story"

Las Vegas, New Mexico

Begins on the evening of Thursday, July 16 and ends on the afternoon of Sunday, July 19. In addition to the core workshop full day Friday and Saturday sessions, there are optional individual manuscript evaluations with workshop leaders for $30. Sunday’s afternoon session is devoted to the process of publication in the digital age, including eBook, POD, Kindle, in-print and varieties of self-publishing.

This workshop is held at the Plaza Hotel in historic Las Vegas, New Mexico. Saturday evening will include a pot luck dinner at the picturesque Carney ranch, Manzana Grande, in Sapello Valley outside of Las Vegas.

The cost of the workshop is $300, room and board not included.

Workshops are limited to 15 participants.

Workshop presenters
Gerald and Loretta Hausman
Gerald and Loretta Hausman

Gerry and Lorry are authors of more than 70 books, of which 35 have won awards. Their work includes adult novels, history, poetry, and children’s books. The Hausman’s spirited and insightful presentation skills have made them popular workshop presenters. In addition to writing and presenting, they are editors and mentors for both new and experienced writers.

Workshop moderator
Alice Winston Carney

Alice Carney has been a published writer since 1975.  She studied journalism at Highlands University in Las Vegas, received her degree and traveled around the U.S. and the world, living in Israel on a Kibbutz, working at the famed sixties hangout Alice's Restaurant with "the other Alice" and writing essays for nonfiction books and national magazines.  She has been a Dale Carnegie instructor for over twenty years. She earned a Masters in Communication Studies at California State University Sacramento where she was a professor for over ten years. When she is not teaching in Sacramento, she is writing and riding horses in Sapello, New Mexico where she and her husband Jim have a beautiful ranch. Her most recent publication is the memoir, “A Cowgirl in Search of a Horse.”

“Thank you for another inspiring workshop, for your great writing and editing skills, and your continual support of other potential writers.  You make our lives more hopeful—and so much more interesting!”  Carole G., New Mexico, workshop attendee 2009, 2011

“Thanks for mentoring me and giving me faith that I can get my book written and published.”
Fran Jenner, Colorado, workshop attendee 2008, 2009, 2010

WOW what a weekend. This was a journey I could not have experienced without all of you. What a combination of talented spirits. I really, really enjoyed meeting all of you and spending my weekend with you. The session just ended and I already miss you all. I believe every person yearns for such a communion with people of quality, heart, and pure spirit... You have opened my eyes, expanded my vocabulary, and taught me to be more observant of precious daily detail…I am already looking forward to next year.
J. P. Baca Las Vegas, New Mexico 2010

I have been busier than I can say since returning from the writer's conference.  For one thing, I am writing every day.  On a novel for Young Adults, of all things!  It came to be as a result of my meeting with Gerry and Lorry on the last day, and it seems to have a life of its own, which is a good thing, I think, as it absolutely demands my attention.
  Jo-Ellen Bosson, New Jersey 2010


Honor your story—take this opportunity to spend time with other writers
sharing your writing, gaining new writing skills, and learning more about
the process of writing, creating a story, and publishing.